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"March" With Congressman John Lewis
2017Feb 28
UW students had the special opportunity to hear from U.S. Congressman and American civil rights icon John Lewis at Meany Hall on the UW Seattle campus, February 23, 2017. Representative Lewis and the co-authors of his new graphic novel, “March,” delivered inspirational talks about the purpose of activism and how they captured stories about the movement that changed our nation. Representative Lewis is Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District Representative and widely known for his role in the Civil Rights movement. The three volumes of "March" capture the events of his life: organizing sit-ins, protesting the segregation of lunch counters in Nashville and taking part in the 1963 March on Washington, of which he is the sole surviving speaker. Congressman John Lewis, Georgia's 5th District Ana Mari Cauce, President, UW Rickey Hall, Vice President for Minority Affairs & Diversity, Chief Diversity Officer, UW Andrew Aydin, author, digital director and policy advisor to John Lewis Nate Powell, graphic novelist, illustrator Craig Sims, lawyer, Bergman Draper Ladenberg 2/23/17

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